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Yazarın fotoğrafıserra akcan

Million Dollar View

Güncelleme tarihi: 6 Oca 2021

The exhibition Million Dollar View at Depo, Istanbul consisting of photographs by NarPhotos Collective.

Exhibition dates: 12 - 30 July 2013

Exhibition place: DEPO / Tütün Deposu, Lüleci Hendek St. No:12 Tophane - Beyoğlu

Opening: July 12th, 2013 Friday at 7pm

Book by İletişim Publications

Photographs by NarPhotos

Writings by Semih Akşeker, Cihan Aktaş, Hakan Bıçakçı, İhsan Bilgin, Tanıl Bora, Gaye Boralıoğlu, Funda Şenol Cantek, Haydar Ergülen, Alev Erkilet, Özgür Sevgi Göral, Pınar Öğünç, Mine Söğüt, Jean-François Pérouse, Özcan Yurdalan, Turgut Yüksel

"How does urban renewal transform the city, what does it transform? What view is revealed by urban renewal? What view is this in the figurative sense: What kind of scenery, spatial order, social network, social class pattern? And what view is it in the literal sense of the word: What kind of landscape, geography, picture of the city?”

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